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Lunch, Snacks and Coffee Breaks


During the coffee breaks between the lecture sessions, drinks and bisquits will be served in the plenary hall (Audimax) foyer and at the northern area.


A StuCafè is located in the conference centre next to the plenary hall (Audimax) of the TU Munich. Cash payment possible.
Opening hours:
Mon-Thu         07:30 – 15:30
Fri                   07:30 – 14:30


The lunches can be taken in the TU canteen, Arcisstraße 17, 80333 Munich.
Opening hours:
Mon - Thu       11:00 – 14:00
Fri                   11:00 – 13:45

Distance to the conference centre, 5 minutes on foot.

Lunch in the canteen (“Mensa”) can only be paid with a Legic card. Cash is not accepted. TUM students and employees can use their Legic card as usual. Students from other universities receive a card upon presentation of their student ID at one of the info points in the canteen. Other conference participants may purchase a card.


Further locations of the catering facilities of the Studentenwerk.

Information on restaurants, bistros, cafes etc in the area can be found in the Smart Munich App as well as in the restaurant guide of the city of Munich.